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MHA Turtle Sculptures


Scavenger Hunt


Quarantine Scavenger Hunt

Are you looking for a safe way to get out of your house and spend some time in the sunshine? The MHA has a solution for you! Below you will find a list of some of the MHA's TurtleTrax turtles around town. We encourage you and your family to go for a drive and take a picture with the turtle, and tag @MHAIndianRiver on whatever social media platform you post it on! If there are others around when you find a turtle, please remember to practice social distancing and stay at least 6 feet away from them. We also discourage people from touching the turtles. If you are uncomfortable getting out of your car, you can even pull up close to some of them and take the picture from afar.

Please save the picture below or click the link to download it so that you can check off all of the turtles you find along your scavenger hunt! 

turtle scavenger.jpg
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