The following article is a recap from Dr. Brugnoli's talk on Marcia Littlejohn's Radio Show AIRING: 3/31 & 4/1 - 2018
To listen to the full episode visit and select the air date

Did you know that 1 in 5 individuals have been diagnosed with a mental illness in a given year. And approximately 50% of those adult with did not seek treatment.
33% of adults with a mental illness are likely to be victims of violence within the past six months. Researchers estimate that mental health disorders typically rob people of nearly a decade of life.
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States.
How can we keep good mental health?
Tips to cope better with stress...
Exercise your body.
Eat well.
Get enough sleep.
Meditate. Unwind. Relax.
Ways to build self-esteem...
Manage your inner-critic.
Affirm yourself.
Focus on doing more of what your are good at and demonstrate your competencies.
Random daily acts that can lead to better mental health...
Manage your negative emotions by controlling your negative thoughts.
Do more of what makes you happy. Find activities that are fun for you.
Perform random acts of kindness.
Volunteer your time.
Focus daily on something you are grateful for.
Spend time socializing with family and friends. Make sure they are healthy relationships.
Ask for help when you need it.