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Writer's pictureSheanaFirth

Tips for Managing Everyday Stress

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

Everyday, we experience at least a little bit of stress. Not making it to work on time, feeling like we have so much to do, taking care of our families/kids/or friends and more can cause anyone to feel overwhelmed. Below a few tips to help manage the most stressful of your days.

Make sure to get enough sleep every night. Staying up late stressing over things is detrimental to your health and often causes more stress when you wake up and realize you did not even get close to the recommended 8 hours. One hour before bed, do an activity like meditation to settle your mind, turn off your phone, stretch, read, or something that calms you and prepares your body for rest.

Make sure to say no when you need a break. Often, people tend to stretch themselves too thin to be there and do everything for everyone else. It is important to take care of you and your needs so you do not get burnt out. Learn to say no!

Take some time for yourself. Whether it is for a short walk or a few minutes of meditation, taking some time for yourself will help ease your mind and relieve a little bit of your stress.

Make a plan for the possible difficult situations you might encounter. Is there someone in your family or at work who tends to drive you crazy? Plan out what you will say and how you will react to them.

Eat healthy and have an exercise routine. Eating healthy supplies your body with the proper nutrients it needs to help you function at your best. This along with regular exercise, whether it be a quick run, gym session, or yoga class can help reduce the stress you are experiencing.

Make a list of what you are grateful for. When you are stressed out and overwhelmed, make a list of who and what you are grateful for. This helps center you and reminds you that you have people who care about you and are willing to help you with whatever you need.

Help others. Volunteering at a local organization or helping out a neighbor or friend is proven to help you too. Perform a few random acts of kindness each day.

Reach out if you need help. The MHA offers classes such as their 6-week Mindfulness Course to help people cope with their mental illnesses. The MHA also sees walk-in patients Monday through Friday for mental health screenings.

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